Terms and Conditions

Detailed below are the terms and conditions relating to the submission of articles to The Jewish Report Pty Ltd (TJR).

Terms of use
By submitting an article to the TJR, you and the organisation that you represent, unconditionally accept all these terms and conditions in full. If you disagree with any part of these terms and conditions, please refrain from submitting an article.

Who We Are
The newspapers titled the Sydney Jewish Report and the Melbourne Jewish Report are owned and operated by TJR (“us” or “we”). TJR is a company incorporated in Australia with Australian registration number 30167302981. If you have any questions or queries relating to these papers or relating to these terms and conditions please direct them to contacts listed under the “Contact us” section of our website www.thejewishreport.com.au

Reproducing copyrighted material in articles – clearing permissions
The author of the article should clearly indicate on all submissions whether it is NOT an original submission or a submission of a reprint that has been previously published with full citation of the name, issue and date of the prior publication. If the article has been previously published, please include the appropriate copyright notice when submitting articles and include a statement that permission has been obtained to use the article in cases where the author is not the copyright owner. Authors are responsible for the accuracy of the statements and sources in their articles.
The author bears the responsibility for checking whether material submitted is subject to copyright or ownership rights, e.g. gures, tables, photographs, illustrations, trade literature and data. The author will need to obtain permission to reproduce any such items, and include these permissions with their submission. Please add any necessary acknowledgments to the typescript, preferably in the form of an Acknowledgments section at the end of the paper. Credit the source and copyright of photographs, gures, illustrations etc. in the accompanying captions.

Biographical Information
In addition to your article, you may want to include a short biographical sketch consisting of approximately 70 words which will be placed at the end of your article as well as a head and shoulders photograph, if available.

Accuracy of content
Contributions, whether published pseudonymously or not, are accepted on the strict understanding that the author is responsible for the accuracy of all opinion, comment, factual report, data, figures, illustrations and photographs. Publication does not necessarily imply that these are the opinions of TJR, its Editors or sub –editors, nor does the Board, Editors or sub-Editors accept any liability for the accuracy of such comment, report and/or other factual information.
The Content is only for general information and use for the reader and is provided on an “as is” and an “as available” basis. The Jewish Report makes no representations and gives no warranties as to the accuracy, availability, completeness, merchantability or tness for any particular purpose of the Content.
All reasonable efforts are made to ensure accurate reproduction of text, photographs and illustrations. TJR does not accept responsibility for mistakes, be they editorial or typographical, nor for consequences resulting therefrom.
TJR reserves the right to edit, abridge or omit material submitted for publication.

Articles should be carefully scrutinised by the author for ethical, ethnic and prejudicial statements before submission and these should be deleted from the article submitted.
Articles may be edited for spelling, grammar and punctuation and style. In addition, the editor reserves the right to edit and to condense submissions, without prior notification to the author, to better satisfy the space requirements, readability and interests of the readers of TJR.
All articles submitted will be given equal consideration. The right to reject an article deemed inappropriate or irrelevant remains with the editor or sub-editor. Generally, appropriate articles submitted by publication deadlines will be published in the next available issue; however, depending upon available space, publication may be delayed. If you intend to submit a time-sensitive article, please convey this to the editor prior to submission. In order to exhibit fair practice to all contributors, TJR reserves the right to control the frequency of articles published from any one source when an oversupply of publishable materials exists. Flexibility discretion in the implementation of this policy lies with the editor and will be based upon the availability of materials for any given issue.

If any provision of these terms and conditions are found to be invalid by any court having competent jurisdiction, the invalidity of that provision will not affect the validity of the remaining provisions of this notice, which shall remain in full force and effect. Failure by either party to exercise any right or remedy under these terms does not constitute a waiver of that right or remedy.

Electronic submission of articles through this website implies author agreement with the policies outlined in these guidelines.